Easy documentation with Docsy
This is a typical blog post that includes images.
The front matter specifies the date of the blog post, its title, a short description that will be displayed on the blog landing page, and its author.
Including images
Here’s an image (featured-sunset-get.png
) that includes a byline and a caption.
Fetch and scale an image in the upcoming Hugo 0.43.
Photo: Riona MacNamara / CC-BY-CA
The front matter of this post specifies properties to be assigned to all image resources:
- src: "**.{png,jpg}"
title: "Image #:counter"
byline: "Photo: Riona MacNamara / CC-BY-CA"
To include the image in a page, specify its details like this:
Fetch and scale an image in the upcoming Hugo 0.43.
Photo: Riona MacNamara / CC-BY-CA
The image will be rendered at the size and byline specified in the front matter.
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